Steiner Early Childhood Education

Steiner program aims to create a nurturing environment involving natural surroundings, natural play materials, hand crafted materials, vegetable gardens, and chickens to care for and to collect eggs for baking. children learn to cook, paint, sing, sew, garden, wash, clean and use tools. They explore their environment, learning sharing, cooperation and social skills. Children are given the time to play, enjoy childhood and build strong foundation skills before formal academic learning begins.

Teachers and educators work to cultivate an attitude of trust, openness and gratitude towards the child and life more widely. They highlight the importance of meaningful daily activities such as work (cooking, cleaning, washing, gardening etc.), physical activity and exploring nature.

To best meet the needs of the child, the environment remains to be quiet, simple, warm, peaceful and allow children to participate in safe exploring. Toys should be simple and are made out from natural materials with hand- sew and knitted.

Wonder World Play Centre provides Steiner Inspired Program for 3-5 years old in Preston. website: